Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects and Utilization of Flood Control Basin Birjand Moud.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Ferdowsi Unversity of Mashhad


One of watershed management projects implemented in the past ten years’ watershed flood control plan and the efficiency of Birjand mood. In the present study to assess the environmental impact after the program has been evaluated using environmental assessment. The results indicate a lack of proper attention to the design of sustainable development goals (an average of 0/39 in a series of sub-criteria). So that the natural stability has been achieved. But economic and social sustainability is the lowest rating and indicates a lack of attention the project has social and economic dimensions of sustainable development. Although training programs have been implemented but these programs for economic empowerment. Aspects of public participation, awareness and confidence and public acceptance has taken place. Dehydration due to stress and economic villagers decided to emigrate and in the midst of conflict over water and resources already provided impressive. These issues show the importance of the social dimension of sustainable development is in watershed plans.
