Identifying and prioritizing urban management strategies in order to recreate the Urban decay of the central area of Rasht city

Document Type : Original Article


1 Geography and Urban Planning of Azad University, Stara Student Branch

2 Faculty member of Astara Azad University

3 Geography department, Islamic Azad University, Astara,Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch, Iran Alireza Pourshikhian - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography



Introduction:One of the basic challenges in the system of sustainable development of cities are worn-out urban tissues as less developed areas that were formed for various reasons and today are suffering from economic, social, cultural, physical,environmental.problems that are Failure to pay attention and proper planning for it can cause the whole city to suffer a crisis.

The purpose of the research:The present research was carried out with the aim of identifying and prioritizing urban management strategies in order to recreate the worn-out texture of the central area of Rasht city.

Research methodology:This research is based on quantitative-survey method and in terms of user goals.Research data has been collected through a survey of 25 experts and experts related to the research topic.and then the criteria and sub-criteria of worn tissue regeneration were prioritized using the Analytical Hierarchy(AHP)method.

The geographical scope of the research:the studied area is the worn-out fabric of the central of Rasht city.

Findings and Discussion:The results of this research showed that the most important strategy for urban management in order to recreate the worn-out texture of the central area of Rasht city is development, clarification and accountability of urban management.

Results:Based on the results of the research.the criteria for the development of institutional arrangements at the local level,foundation and institutional presence and multi-stakeholder decision-making based on the role of actors,institutional facilitation and mediation,and the creation of institutional synergy and the development of the institutional education and knowledge system after the criteria First, they are in the next priorities.


Main Subjects