Explaining the Role of Local Management in Environmental-Spatial Developments in the Villages of Rudsar County

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D in Geography & Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran.


Introduction: Rural management is a multi-faceted process that includes the three pillars of the people, the government and public institutions, which play a significant role. The role of local management in the environmental-spatial developments of rural settlements, especially in land use changes, construction, construction and repair of communication networks, has been more than the economic and socio-cultural dimensions addressed in this research.
Objectives: Determining the role of local management in environmental-spatial changes in the villages of Rodsar is the primary goal of this article.
Methodology: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and method. The case information was obtained through documentary sources and field studies. The statistical population is 187 villages of Rudsar city. The sample size included 20% of the villages with villages. The sampling method was a random quota, and the samples were calculated based on coastal, plain, foothill and mountain geographical areas. 345 questionnaires were distributed and completed in 36 villages of the area. Data analysis has been done through documentation and using statistical methods in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics. In this research, SPSS software was used to process information, Excel software was used to draw tables, and Arc GIS software was used to draw maps.
Geographical Context: The geographical territory of the current research is the villages of Rudsar County.
Results and Discussion: The role of local management in the environmental-spatial developments of the villages of Rudsar City has been evaluated using 12 components. The findings indicate that the state of local management in the surveyed village from the point of view of the respondents is medium to high, which indicates the satisfaction of the residents of the villages with the performance of local management in the environmental dimension. Local management in the city's villages is more focused on fulfilling their duties, and they have been more effective in the environmental aspect of the villages than other aspects of rural development.
Conclusion: The research results show that local management in Rudsar County has caused many environmental changes at the village level. The construction of hotels, Kashana travelers in tourism, rural parks, and villa houses are among the environmental developments of the surrounding villages. According to the people of the village, the villagers and the managers of the villages of the city have played an important role in environmental changes, such as building housing, improving the condition of roads and other parts, which is based on the distance of the villages from the urban centers, because most of the area of ​​the city is in the mountainous area.
