Identifying the Factors Influencing on Quality of Urban Spaces Based on Gender Differences in Qazvin City

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran


Introduction: Considering the increase in the population of Qazvin city in recent years as well as the traditional view of its residents, the need to study the quality of urban space based on gender differences is very noticeable. Because not paying attention to this basic factor in the process of urban development will lead to many problems in the future, the negative effects of which will prevail in urban spaces for a long time.
Objectives: This research was conducted with the purpose of identifying the factors affecting the quality of urban spaces and the extent of the effects of these factors.
Methodology: The research method used in the present study is descriptive-analytical, and the studied population is the citizens of Qazvin City, with a population of 485,488 people, and as a result, the required sample size was determined to be 390 people using Cochran's formula.
Geographical Context: Qazvin, as a historical city whose urban spaces have not been paid much attention, is the subject of this research.
Results and Discussion: Based on the analysis of the information obtained from the questionnaire using the factor analysis method, 28 components affecting the quality of urban spaces and the importance of each of these components were grouped and determined in the form of five main environmental, social, safety, physical and spatial factors. In the following, to measure the difference in men's and women's views on the factors affecting the quality of urban spaces, a two-sample independent t-test was used at the 95% confidence level. Spatial, security and social factors of this difference of opinion are evident.
Conclusion: Considering that there is a difference in the views of women and men in space, safety and social factors, and women are more sensitive than men, it is suggested that effective measures be taken in these areas so that citizens can use public spaces more.


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